Voice2 0
Project Description
On this website, we've added a voiceover feature for users. When a user visits the website for the first time, we provide them with an initial 100 credits to use. Each credit corresponds to one character in the voiceover. Users can type up to 100 characters, and then they have various options to customize the voice, such as selecting the voice age, gender, name, and more. After making their selections, they can hit the 'generate' button to create the voice according to their preferences.
Once the initial 100 credits are used up, the user can no longer generate voices for free. At this point, we encourage them to sign up for an account, which grants them an additional 1000 credits to use. With these credits, they can continue generating voices.
However, when the 1000 credits are exhausted, the user will need to purchase more credits. We've designed a dedicated page for buying credits, where we've integrated WixPay for secure payment processing. After purchasing credits, users can use them for generating voices.
To prevent misuse, we've implemented IP address detection. This ensures that the same user can't receive additional free credits by any means. We also save the user's ID, their IP address, and utilize browser storage to guarantee that each user only receives free credits once.

Custom Pricing Plans
We created custom pricing plan functionality with the help of velo and Stripe Payment Subscription Integration.

Custom Pricing Plans
We created custom pricing plan functionality with the help of velo and Stripe Payment Subscription Integration.

Custom Pricing Plans
We created custom pricing plan functionality with the help of velo and Stripe Payment Subscription Integration.